The following are the job descriptions for West Winnipeg Minor Baseball (WWMBA) board positions as per our constitution.
3.00 Past President
• Shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President and Vice-President.
• Shall be chair of the nomination committee for the nomination of officers for election in the next ensuing year.
• Shall normally be immediate past president of WWMBA.
• Shall perform such other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Executive committee and the Board of Directors.
3.10 President
• Shall be responsible for the overall operation, supervision and administration of the affairs of the WWMBA.
• Shall ensure that all policies and actions approved by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee are properly implemented.
• Shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
• Shall prepare agendas for meetings.
• Shall represent WWMBA and shall communicate WWMBA policies and decisions to parties or organizations external to the Association.
• Shall sit on all committees of WWMBA as ex-officio member.
• Shall carry signing authority for the management of WWMBA funds.
• When acting as Chair shall vote only in the event of a tie.
• Shall be responsible to the membership for the implementation of policies and programs and the effective governing of WWMBA.
• Shall make decision and be responsible to WWMBA that all projects are completed and on schedule
3.20 Vice-President
• Shall assume all duties of the President in the absence of or failure to act, of the President.
• Shall accept those duties assigned by the President, Executive Committee, or the general membership.
• Shall be the primary liaison for the Board with all volunteers of the WWMBA including, but not limited to, Park Director, Canteen Director, Fundraising Director and Junior Team Representative.
• Shall carry signing authority for the management of WWMBA funds.
3.30 Secretary
• Shall be responsible for recording the minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and others as requested.
• Shall carry signing authority for the management of WWMBA funds.
• Shall maintain records of WWMBA correspondence, the Constitution and By-Laws, League reports and Committee reports.
• Shall ensure regular compliance with all federal, provincial or municipal statutes, laws, by-laws, regulations or other ordinances or directions.
• Shall accept other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
• Shall assist in revising the Constitution and By-Laws when approved by the Executive Committee and the Board.
• Shall ensure that minutes of all meetings are distributed to appropriate officers.
3.40 Treasurer
• Shall administer all funds of WWMBA through a recognized financial institution.
• Shall provide a financial report to regular or special meetings of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.
• Shall carry signing authority for the management of WWMBA funds.
• Shall present a year-end financial report for the current fiscal year at the Annual General Meeting.
• Shall maintain accounts for all funds and securities in financial institutions approved by the Executive Committee.
• Shall maintain records or accounts of any project funded by the outside sources.
3.50 Registrar
• Shall receive the team and player registrations complete with approved documentation verifying accuracy.
• Shall maintain copy of all documentation and registrations, and ensure that team and player registrations are forwarded to Baseball Manitoba before the deadline.
• Shall maintain a yearly record of number of players and team registered in the WWMBA.
• Shall ensure that each Convenor is in possession of applicable team and player registrations.
• Shall maintain a list of all coaches and assistant coaches.
• Shall maintain an active list of Child Abuse Registry checks performed on all volunteers including Board members, coaches and other volunteers as necessary. This list will include dates for which re-checks are required or returning volunteers.
3.60 Umpire-in-Chief
• Shall coordinate the activities of all umpires with interests and priorities of WWMBA.
• Shall coordinate development clinics and certification programs.
• Shall be responsible for discipline of umpires under the direction of the Executive Committee.
• Shall hold special clinic for WWMBA umpires for additional training over and above those provided at the Baseball Manitoba umpire clinics.
• Shall provide direction to the Umpire Assignor to assign certified umpires to all games under the jurisdiction of WWMBA.
• Shall direct the Umpire Assignor to forward a certified record of umpire accounts to the Treasurer for payments.
3.70 Director “AAA” Baseball
• Responsible to the Executive Committee for the proper management, organization and conduct of ‘AAA’ Baseball program.
• Shall be responsible for organizing/coordinating annual baseball evaluations and overseeing AAA team selections in accordance with WWMBA policies governing team selections and player placement.
• Shall represent WWMBA at any meeting of Winnipeg ‘AAA’ Baseball Association (WABA)
• Provide the WWMBA Executive committee with any information obtained from the WABA and any administrative or disciplinary problems are brought to their attention.
• Shall with committee comprised of President and one other member of the Executive Committee be responsible for selection of coaches for all ‘AAA’ baseball teams.
• Shall adhere to administrative procedures as directed by the Executive Committee.
• Shall be responsible and be accountable for all baseball equipment belonging to WWMBA used by all “AAA” teams.
3.80 Director “AA” Baseball
• Responsible to the Executive Committee for the proper management, organization and conduct of ‘AA’ Baseball program.
• Shall work closely with the Director “AAA” Baseball in coordinating annual baseball evaluations and overseeing AA team selections in accordance with WWMBA policies government team selections and player placement.
• May represent WWMBA at any meeting of Winnipeg Minor Baseball (WMB).
• Provide the WWMBA Executive committee with any information obtained from the WMB and any administrative or disciplinary problems are brought to their attention.
• Shall with committee comprised of President and one member of the Executive Committee be responsible for selection of coaches for all ‘AA’ baseball teams.
• Shall adhere to administrative procedures as directed by the Executive Committee.
• Shall be responsible and be accountable for all baseball equipment belonging to WWMBA used by all “AA” teams.
3.90 Directors-at-Large
• Shall accept those duties assigned by the President, or the Executive Committee.
• Shall obtain team, coach and diamond location information from the Registrar and Community Club convenors.
• Shall create annual league schedule, working in conjunction with Community Club convenors, and representatives from other area Baseball Associations as applicable.
• Shall attend the WWMBA annual coaches meeting and review league rules and regulations with Managers and coaches, and any other particular age division information.
• Shall be the main point of contact for WWMBA teams for any league-related issues that arise through out the season;
• For 11UA and 13UA, shall organize regional playoffs at end of season to determine the teams that will represent WWMBA at city playoffs.
• Shall look into any matters requiring disciplinary action and if minor may take necessary action and advise executive committee of action taken; if the matter is of serious nature, the President and Executive Committee shall be informed.
• Shall be appointed as per constitution and by-laws.
4.20 Umpire Assignor
• Shall under the direction of the Umpire in chief assign certified umpire/s to each league game.
• Shall inform the Umpire in Chief immediately of any problem in assigning umpires to any game/s.
• Shall liaise with Community Club Baseball Convenors the location of baseball diamonds allocated for use for each division.
• Shall perform other duties assigned by the Umpire in Chief and/or the Executive Committee.
• Shall maintain record of umpire assignment, collect umpire game sheet and complete umpire pay sheet every two weeks for payment, and forward to Umpire in Chief.
• Shall maintain a list of umpires past and present.
• Elected or appointed member of Community Club.
• Shall represent the interest of their community club at meetings of WWMBA.
• Shall collect team and players registration from all community club teams and forward appropriate copies to the WWMBA registrar.
• Shall be responsible for the behaviour of community club teams and players.
• Shall be responsible for safety all players by ensuring proper uniforms and equipment are provided.
• Shall be responsible for the maintenance of the baseball diamond to ensure it is playable.
• Shall provide a list of baseball diamonds available for use by their teams for the league schedule.